Templates and Tools
Sites and Resources
- Sphere Project, Handbook (2018)
- International Review of the Red Cross (2016). Principles guiding humanitarian action.
- ECHO, European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid (June 2019). Guidelines grant/contribution agreement with humanitarian organisations
- ECHO, European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid (May 2020). Framework partnership agreement with humanitarian organisations
- ANNEX III; General Conditions
- ANNEX IV; Rules and procedures applicable to Property, Supply, Works and Service Contracts Awarded within the Framework of Humanitarian Actions Finance by the European Communities
- ICRC, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (2014). Market Analysis Guidance
- ICRC, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (2014). Rapid Assessment for Markets
- SC, Save The Children; Procurement guidelines
- ACF, Action Against Hunger; Supply Chain guidelines
- PARCEL Project
- Humanitarian Logistics Association (HLA)
- Core Humanitarian Standard
- Universal Logistics Standards in Humanitarian Logistics (ULS)
- ULS Procurement Handbook. Universal Logistics Standards
- Procurement Standards. PARCEL Project (Partner Capacity Enhancement in Logistics)
- The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP)