Dangerous Goods
Separating DG in Transport and Storage

Understanding how to segregate DG items in storage or in transit is important. Knowing what and how to segregate is easier to track at the level of the hazard class instead of individual items.  Please see the below table for a breakdown of segregation guidelines. 

Class or Division1.1, 
Zone A
Zone B
 3  PGI Zone A 7  8 Liquids
Explosives - 1.1 and 1.2
Explosives - 1.3   
Explosives - 1.4      
Very Insensitive Explosives - 1.5
Extremely Insensitive Explosives - 1.6             
Flammable Gases - 2.1          
Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable gases - 2.2                
Toxic Gas Zone A - 2.3      
Toxic Gas Zone B - 2.3      
Flammable Liquids - 3          
Flammable Solids - 4.1            
Spontaneously Combustible Materials - 4.2          
Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases - 4.3           
Oxidizers - 5.1          
Organic Peroxides - 5.2           
Toxic Liquids PGI Zone A - 6.1      
Radioactive Materials - 7               
Corrosive Liquids - 8      


May not be loaded, transported, or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility. Both main hazard risks and subsidiary risks need to be taken into account.
May not be loaded, transported, or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility unless separated from each other by three meters or more. However, Class 8 (corrosive) liquids may not be loaded above or adjacent to Class 4 (flammable) or Class 5 (oxidising) materials except that the mixture of contents would not cause a fire or a dangerous evolution of heat or gas.
Segregation among different Class 1 (explosive) materials is governed by the compatibility table. Exception: ammonium nitrate (UN 1942) and ammonium nitrate fertiliser may be loaded or stored with Division 1.1 (Class A explosive) or Division 1.5 (blasting agents) materials.
Blank CellsThe absence of any hazard class or division or a blank space in the table indicates that no restrictions apply. 

Hazard Zone - A "hazard zone" means one of four levels of hazard assigned to gasses - Hazard Zones A through D. Hazard Zones A and B are assigned to liquids that are poisonous by inhalation. Consult manufacturer or packaging to identify hazard zones. 

PGI - "Poisonous Gas".


Common DG items in Humanitarian Action

ItemCommon IssuesExample ItemPossible UN IDs
  • Depending on battery type, may be banned or have limited capability to transport on commercial aircraft.
  • Some battery types are refillable, and may leak harming handlers or reacting to nearby objects or substances.
  • Damaged or swollen batteries are forbidden in air transport.
Lithium ionUN3480, UN3481
Sealed lead acidUN3028, UN2800, UN3090
Refillable lead acidUN2794, UN3171
Lithium metalUN3090, UN3091
Biological Hazards
  • Heavily restricted on some forms of transport.
  • May require specialised documentation. Requires specialised storage.
Blood/medical samplesUN3291
Live infectious substancesUN2814, UN2900
Medical wasteUN3291
Water Purification
  • Some products that contain NaDCC as an active ingredient may count as DG if they contain a sufficiently large percentage, or are shipped in a sufficient size or sufficient quantities (Example: Aquatabs above 1.67 grams per tablet). Always check SDS from the manufacturer before shipping. 
  • Keep away from products bearing the 4.3 hazard label.
HTH Calcium HypochloriteUN1748, UN2208, UN2880
Sodium HypochloriteUN1791
Cleaning Agents
  • If packaging is compromised, may irritate or harm persons handling them.
  • May react to objects and substances stored nearby, causing slow damage or violent energetic reactions.
  • Shade and good ventilation is necessary.
  • When a large quantity must be stored or stowed, if possible, separate in smaller storing quantities.
  • Keep away from products bearing the class 3, division 4.2 hazard labels and in general from any flammable products.
Alcohol bases hand sanitiserUN1987
Chlorine based cleaning solutionsUN1017, UN1908
Compressed Gas
  • Compressed gas cylinders are considered DG even when completely depressurised or empty when transported by air.
  • Compressed gas cylinders may rupture, when stored for long periods of time, or in an unsafe manner.
OxygenUN1002, UN1702
Fire extinguisherUN1044
PropaneUN1978, UN1995 
Liquid Fuel
  • Highly combustible depending on the type.
  • Fuel is often inappropriately stored in a high temperature or unventilated rooms, or centrally located in a warehouse.
  • Shade and good ventilation is necessary.
  • Keep away from substances bearing the division 5.1 hazard label.
Diesel/Gas oilUN1202
Aviation Fuel/A-1 jet fuelUN1863
Mechanical Equipment and Fluids
  • Vehicles and generators can be considered DG for air shipping because they contain fuel or other potentially hazardous fluids, all of which usually must be below a minimum level or completely drained before transporting in an air craft or sea shipping container.
Automobiles/VehiclesUN3166, UN3171, UN1202, UN2800
EnginesUN3528, UN3529, UN3530, UN3166
Oxygen GeneratorUN3356
FreezersUN2857, UN3159
Chemical Fertilizers
  • May be highly explosive depending on chemical composition.
  • Storage in high temperature, lowly ventilated areas, or near other reactive substances might cause serious harm.
Building Related Materials
  • Require proper declaration and documentation for most forms of transport, and is often highly regulated by air transport
PaintsUN1950, UN1263
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