Cargo Capacity Calculator

Cargo Load Planner

Total volume (m³)
Total weight (kg)
  L (cm) W (cm) H (cm)
Largest item
Aircraft Payload (kg) Volume (m³) Usable Hold Size (cm) Door Size (cm) Number of flights required
Container Container Weight (kg) Interior Dimensions Door Size (m) Estimated pallets Number of containers required
Gross Tare Net L (m) W (m) H (m) Cap (m³) W H EU standard US standard
Truck type Axles Max Gross Weight (T) Estimated Payload (T) Typical Total Body Length (m) Estimated number of vehicles *

DISCLAIMER: This calculator is for planning purposes only. Real world conditions can and will dictate the actual loading capacity of vehicles and number of trips required.

  • The real uplift capacity of air-craft is contingent on weather, altitude, distance flown, and other factors. Real world conditions will limit total cargo transport capacity. Read more information here.
  • Volume limitations per truck are purely estimates. Real world transport vehicles, load plans and prevailing laws will have a wide impact on actual volume capacities. Read more information here.
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